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The Secrets, Including the Actual Steps, that Entrepreneurs Use to Achieve Their Goals!

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

Derick Mildred, LinkedIn for Business Coach. The Secrets Entrepreneurs Use to Achieve Their Goals

Hello and welcome to the 3rd edition of our weekly LinkedIn for Business Newsletter.

As fellow LinkedIn for business enthusiasts, we embark on the new year ahead, the tradition of setting resolutions and goals comes to mind. 

In this article, we explore the significance of goal setting at the dawn of the year. 

We examine strategies to articulate our aspirations. 

We also navigate the journey toward achieving them.

Mark H. McCormack founded International Management Group (IMG). He was a pioneering American sports agent and highly successful entrepreneur. McCormack is renowned for revolutionizing sports marketing. His visionary approach made IMG a global leader in athlete representation and management.

Mark H. McCormackm What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School image.

In his book, titled What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School, he tells of a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program.

In that year, the students were asked,

“Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to achieve them?“

  • 3% of the graduates had written goals and plans.

  • 13% had goals, but they were not in writing;

  • 84% had no specific goals at all.

Ten years later, the members of the same class were interviewed again, and the findings were nothing short of astonishing.

  • The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, 2 X as much as the 84% who had no goals at all.

  • The 3% who had clear written goals and a plan to achieve them in writing were earning, on average,

  • 10 X as much as the other 97% combined. WOW!


Here are the actual steps highly successful entrepreneurs use to achieve their goals!

1)      Clearly define your goals in writing. (Importantly, include how you will feel when you have achieved your goal)

2)      Set a date to achieve your goals by.  (This is vital)

3)      Develop a step X step process or ‘plan of action’ to achieve each of your goals. (Also vital)

4)      Be consistent, don’t get distracted.

5)      Don’t get deterred by setbacks, believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish your goal and continue.

6)      Get Started, Keep Going & Never Ever Give Up!


Your goals can be based on

1)      Short-term goals, (To be achieved within 1 week - 1 month)

2)      Medium-term goals, (To be achieved within 1 – 6 months)

3)      Long-term goals. (To be achieved between 6 months - 1 year or more)

What is Your Goal? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe your goal and how you will actually feel when you have accomplished it.


Describe what the accomplishment of your goal will mean to you. 


Date Your Goal is to be Achieved by (Vital)                                        ___/___/_______

Goal to be Achieved by Date noted in your diary (Vital)                  Yes / No

Goal Deadline, Months Remaining, Weeks Remaining. Also noted in your diary     Yes / No

Plan of Action. (Vital)

Your Written Plan of Action to Achieve Your Goals, Step X Step.

Break it down, describe and detail the actual steps you will need to complete to accomplish your goal. If your goal will take 6 months, break it down. Plan what you need to do each week, each month, etc. This will keep you on track toward achieving your goal.


To stay on track, each week, check your plan of action and monitor your progress.


Actions = Results

Apply these steps and join the Top 3%

Remember the results of the 10 year Harvard Business Study into the planning and achievement of goals.

'The 3% who had clear written goals and a plan to achieve them in writing were earning, on average, 10 X as much as the other 97% combined. WOW!'

In summary, I have 1 question to ask you! 

Would you define your goals and develop clear plans to achieve them in writing if it meant you would earn and accomplish 10 X as much as 97% of your classmates?

You know the answer to that and what to do next!

Here's to your continued LinkedIn for business success.


If you enjoyed this article, Click here to watch my LinkedIn for Business video.


Regards from




P.S. Follow me, Derick Mildred for More LinkedIn for Business Tips & a Daily Dose of Inspiration. 😎😎


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